The Cigar Smoking World Championship was born out of

the true passion of cigars combined with the beauty of the

moments spent sharing this passion with like-minded people from all over the World.

M O R E  T H A N A  S M O K E

All  about

World Champion

Competition Cigar


Grand final

Makes Cigar World united

C I g a r   s m o k I n g   w o r l d   c h a m p I o n s h I p

What is the idea of the Cigar Smoking World  Championship? What is the vision, motivation, direction and energy? I D E A H I S T O R Y

Discover the harmony of  times past within the warm ,  welcoming  and unique atmosphere of our Club Mareva lounge. Our lounge provides privacy and relaxation to our  members and guests. It is a unique location situated within a 500 years old  UNESCO building

Created to be a symbol of fnew partnership, quality, tradition and uniqueness. We present the CSWC Rocky Patel  CSWC series

Check the photo galleries of the Cigar Smoking World Championship and get  just a small flavour of CSWC experience. It is all about the emotion and the challenge, and more over it is fun. It is truly  time to be remembered

Our loyal partners are part of what makes the CSWC such a memorable experience. They are in fact an integral part of our CSWC family… thank you to you all

To have diamond  in hand means to have something unique, so valuable, so beautiful and worth of admiration. For us, there are people around the World which are like diamonds….and we want to show to them how much we admire and respect them with our Mareva Diamond Leaf awards

C H E C K  L A S T E S T S  N E W S News, info and results from  more than 20 qualification  tournaments from all around the World  plus many more actual news

CSWC become global phenomenon attracted by many World famous media. As unique experience it  is interesting story for media of many different  aspects

Cigar Smoking World Championship established it’s World Judge Association. CWJA has goal to raise level of quality of judging  and to maintain that level. With training's, official certification and other activities it will bring and keep our international judges ready to keep each slow smoking tournament to be held by fairly and by the rules